
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Man Utd A.K.A Manchester United 2012-2013 Fixtures

Sat Aug 18 Everton A
Sat Aug 25 Fulham H
Sat Sep 1 Southampton A
Sat Sep 15 Wigan Athletic H
Sat Sep 22 Liverpool A
Wed Sep 26 Capital One Cup 3
Sat Sep 29 Tottenham Hotspur H
Sat Oct 6 Newcastle United A
Sat Oct 20 Stoke City H
Sat Oct 27 Chelsea A
Wed Oct 31 Capital One Cup 4
Sat Nov 3 Arsenal H
Sat Nov 10 Aston Villa A
Sat Nov 17 Norwich City A
Sat Nov 24 Queens Park Rangers H
Tue Nov 27 West Ham United H
Sat Dec 1 Reading A
Sat Dec 8 Manchester City A
Sat Dec 15 Sunderland H 
Sat Dec 22 Swansea City A
Wed Dec 26 Newcastle United H
Sat Dec 29 West Brom H
Tue Jan 1 Wigan Athletic A
Sat Jan 5 FA Cup 3
Wed Jan 9 Capital One Cup Semi (1)
Sat Jan 12 Liverpool H
Sat Jan 19 Tottenham Hotspur A
Wed Jan 23 Capital One Cup Semi (2)
Sat Jan 26 FA Cup 4
Tue Jan 29 Southampton H
Sat Feb 2 Fulham A
Sat Feb 9 Everton H
Sat Feb 16 FA Cup 5
Sat Feb 23 Queens Park Rangers A
Sun Feb 24 Capital One Cup Final
Sat Mar 2 Norwich City H
Sat Mar 9 West Ham A (FA Cup 6)
Sat Mar 16 Reading H
Sat Mar 30 Sunderland A
Sat Apr 6 Manchester City H
Sat Apr 13 Stoke City A (FA Cup Semi)
Sat Apr 20 Aston Villa H
Sat Apr 27 Arsenal A
Sat May 4 Chelsea H
Sat May 11 FA Cup Final
Sun May 12 Swansea City H
Sun May 19 West Bromwich Albion A

Barclays Premier League 2012/13 fixtures

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

Arsenal v Sunderland
Everton v Manchester United
Fulham v Norwich City
Manchester City v Southampton
Newcastle United v Tottenham Hotspur
Queens Park Rangers v Swansea City
Reading v Stoke City
West Bromwich Albion v Liverpool
West Ham United v Aston Villa
Wigan Athletic v Chelsea

Saturday, August 25th, 2012

Aston Villa v Everton
Chelsea v Newcastle United
Liverpool v Manchester City
Manchester United v Fulham
Norwich City v Queens Park Rangers
Southampton v Wigan Athletic
Stoke City v Arsenal
Sunderland v Reading
Swansea City v West Ham United
Tottenham Hotspur v West Bromwich Albion
Saturday, September 1st, 2012

Chelsea v Reading
Liverpool v Arsenal
Manchester City v Queens Park Rangers
Newcastle United v Aston Villa
Southampton v Manchester United
Swansea City v Sunderland
Tottenham Hotspur v Norwich City
West Bromwich Albion v Everton
West Ham United v Fulham
Wigan Athletic v Stoke City

Saturday, September 15th, 2012

Arsenal v Southampton
Aston Villa v Swansea City
Everton v Newcastle United
Fulham v West Bromwich Albion
Manchester United v Wigan Athletic
Norwich City v West Ham United
Queens Park Rangers v Chelsea
Reading v Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City v Manchester City
Sunderland v Liverpool

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012

Chelsea v Stoke City
Liverpool v Manchester United
Manchester City v Arsenal
Newcastle United v Norwich City
Southampton v Aston Villa
Swansea City v  Everton
Tottenham Hotspur v  Queens Park Rangers
West Bromwich Albion v  Reading
West Ham United v  Sunderland
Wigan Athletic v  Fulham

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

Arsenal v Chelsea
Aston Villa v West Bromwich Albion
Everton v Southampton
Fulham v Manchester City
Manchester United v Tottenham Hotspur
Norwich City v Liverpool
Queens Park Rangers v West Ham United
Reading v Newcastle United
Stoke City v Swansea City
Sunderland v Wigan Athletic

Saturday, October 6th, 2012

Chelsea v Norwich City
Liverpool v Stoke City
Manchester City v Sunderland
Newcastle United v Manchester United
Southampton v Fulham
Swansea City v Reading
Tottenham Hotspur v Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion v Queens Park Rangers
West Ham United v Arsenal
Wigan Athletic v Everton

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

Fulham v Aston Villa
Liverpool v Reading
Manchester United v Stoke City
Norwich City v Arsenal
Queens Park Rangers v Everton
Sunderland v Newcastle United
Swansea City v Wigan Athletic
Tottenham Hotspur v Chelsea
West Bromwich Albion v Manchester City
West Ham United v Southampton

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

Arsenal v Queens Park Rangers
Aston Villa v Norwich City
Chelsea v Manchester United
Everton v Liverpool
Manchester City v Swansea City
Newcastle United v West Bromwich Albion
Reading v Fulham
Southampton v Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City v Sunderland
Wigan Athletic v West Ham United
Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

Fulham v Everton
Liverpool v Newcastle United
Manchester United v Arsenal
Norwich City v Stoke City
Queens Park Rangers v Reading
Sunderland v Aston Villa
Swansea City v Chelsea
Tottenham Hotspur v Wigan Athletic
West Bromwich Albion v Southampton
West Ham United v Manchester City

Saturday, November 10th, 2012

Arsenal v Fulham
Aston Villa v Manchester United
Chelsea v Liverpool
Everton v Sunderland
Manchester City v Tottenham Hotspur
Newcastle United v West Ham United
Reading v Norwich City
Southampton v Swansea City
Stoke City v Queens Park Rangers
Wigan Athletic v West Bromwich Albion

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur
Fulham v Sunderland
Liverpool v Wigan Athletic
Manchester City v Aston Villa
Newcastle United v Swansea City
Norwich City v Manchester United
Queens Park Rangers v Southampton
Reading v Everton
West Bromwich Albion v Chelsea
West Ham United v Stoke City

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

Aston Villa v Arsenal
Chelsea v Manchester City
Everton v Norwich City
Manchester United v Queens Park Rangers
Southampton v Newcastle United
Stoke City v Fulham
Sunderland v West Bromwich Albion
Swansea City v Liverpool
Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham United
Wigan Athletic v Reading

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

Aston Villa v Reading
Manchester United v West Ham United
Southampton v Norwich City
Stoke City v Newcastle United
Sunderland v Queens Park Rangers
Swansea City v West Bromwich Albion
Tottenham Hotspur v Liverpool
Wigan Athletic v Manchester City

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
Chelsea v Fulham
Everton v Arsenal

Saturday, December 1st, 2012

Arsenal v Swansea City
Fulham v Tottenham Hotspur
Liverpool v Southampton
Manchester City v Everton
Newcastle United v Wigan Athletic
Norwich City v Sunderland
Queens Park Rangers v Aston Villa
Reading v Manchester United
West Bromwich Albion v Stoke City
West Ham United v Chelsea

Saturday, December 8th, 2012
Arsenal v West Bromwich Albion
Aston Villa v Stoke City
Everton v Tottenham Hotspur
Fulham v Newcastle United
Manchester City v Manchester United
Southampton v Reading
Sunderland v Chelsea
Swansea City v Norwich City
West Ham United v Liverpool
Wigan Athletic v Queens Park Rangers

Saturday, December 15th, 2012

Chelsea v Southampton
Liverpool v Aston Villa
Manchester United v Sunderland
Newcastle United v Manchester City
Norwich City v Wigan Athletic
Queens Park Rangers v Fulham
Reading v Arsenal
Stoke City v Everton
Tottenham Hotspur v Swansea City
West Bromwich Albion v West Ham United

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

Chelsea v Aston Villa
Liverpool v Fulham
Manchester City v Reading
Newcastle United v Queens Park Rangers
Southampton v Sunderland
Swansea City v Manchester United
Tottenham Hotspur v Stoke City
West Bromwich Albion v Norwich City
West Ham United v Everton
Wigan Athletic v Arsenal
Wednesday, December 26th, 2012

Arsenal v West Ham United
Aston Villa v Tottenham Hotspur
Everton v Wigan Athletic
Fulham v Southampton
Manchester United v Newcastle United
Norwich City v Chelsea
Queens Park Rangers v West Bromwich Albion
Reading v Swansea City
Stoke City v Liverpool
Sunderland v Manchester City

Saturday, December 29th, 2012

Arsenal v Newcastle United
Aston Villa v Wigan Athletic
Everton v Chelsea
Fulham v Swansea City
Manchester United v West Bromwich Albion
Norwich City v Manchester City
Queens Park Rangers v Liverpool
Reading v West Ham United
Stoke City v Southampton
Sunderland v Tottenham Hotspur

Tuesday, January 1st, 2013

Chelsea v Queens Park Rangers
Liverpool v Sunderland
Manchester City v Stoke City
Newcastle United v Everton
Southampton v Arsenal
Swansea City v Aston Villa
Tottenham Hotspur v Reading
West Bromwich Albion v Fulham
West Ham United v Norwich City
Wigan Athletic v Manchester United

Saturday, January 12th, 2013

Arsenal v Manchester City
Aston Villa v Southampton
Everton v Swansea City
Fulham v Wigan Athletic
Manchester United v Liverpool
Norwich City v Newcastle United
Queens Park Rangers v Tottenham Hotspur
Reading v West Bromwich Albion
Stoke City v Chelsea
Sunderland v West Ham United

Saturday, January 19th, 2013

Chelsea v Arsenal
Liverpool v Norwich City
Manchester City v Fulham
Newcastle United v Reading
Southampton v Everton
Swansea City v Stoke City
Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester United
West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa
West Ham United v Queens Park Rangers
Wigan Athletic v Sunderland

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

Arsenal v Liverpool
Aston Villa v Newcastle United
Manchester United v Southampton
Norwich City v Tottenham Hotspur
Queens Park Rangers v Manchester City
Reading v Chelsea
Stoke City v Wigan Athletic
Sunderland v Swansea City

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

Everton v West Bromwich Albion
Fulham v West Ham United

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

Arsenal v Stoke City
Everton v Aston Villa
Fulham v Manchester United
Manchester City v Liverpool
Newcastle United v Chelsea
Queens Park Rangers v Norwich City
Reading v Sunderland
West Bromwich Albion v Tottenham Hotspur
West Ham United v Swansea City
Wigan Athletic v Southampton

Saturday, February 9th, 2013
Aston Villa v West Ham United
Chelsea v Wigan Athletic
Liverpool v West Bromwich Albion
Manchester United v Everton
Norwich City v Fulham
Southampton v Manchester City
Stoke City v Reading
Sunderland v Arsenal
Swansea City v Queens Park Rangers
Tottenham Hotspur v Newcastle United

Saturday, February 23rd, 2013

Arsenal v Aston Villa
Fulham v Stoke City
Liverpool v Swansea City
Manchester City v Chelsea
Newcastle United v Southampton
Norwich City v Everton
Queens Park Rangers v Manchester United
Reading v Wigan Athletic
West Bromwich Albion v Sunderland
West Ham United v Tottenham Hotspur

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

Aston Villa v Manchester City
Chelsea v West Bromwich Albion
Everton v Reading
Manchester United v Norwich City
Southampton v Queens Park Rangers
Stoke City v West Ham United
Sunderland v Fulham
Swansea City v Newcastle United
Tottenham Hotspur v Arsenal
Wigan Athletic v Liverpool

Saturday, March 9th, 2013

Arsenal v Everton
Fulham v Chelsea
Liverpool v Tottenham Hotspur
Manchester City v Wigan Athletic
Newcastle United v Stoke City
Norwich City v Southampton
Queens Park Rangers v Sunderland
Reading v Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion v Swansea City
West Ham United v Manchester United

Saturday, March 16th, 2013

Aston Villa v Queens Park Rangers
Chelsea v West Ham United
Everton v Manchester City
Manchester United v Reading
Southampton v Liverpool
Stoke City v West Bromwich Albion
Sunderland v Norwich City
Swansea City v Arsenal
Tottenham Hotspur v Fulham
Wigan Athletic v Newcastle United

Saturday, March 30th, 2013

Arsenal v Reading
Aston Villa v Liverpool
Everton v Stoke City
Fulham v Queens Park Rangers
Manchester City v Newcastle United
Southampton v Chelsea
Sunderland v Manchester United
Swansea City v Tottenham Hotspur
West Ham United v West Bromwich Albion
Wigan Athletic v Norwich City

Saturday, April 6th, 2013

Chelsea v Sunderland
Liverpool v West Ham United
Manchester United v Manchester City
Newcastle United v Fulham
Norwich City v Swansea City
Queens Park Rangers v Wigan Athletic
Reading v Southampton
Stoke City v Aston Villa
Tottenham Hotspur v Everton
West Bromwich Albion v Arsenal

Saturday, April 13th, 2013

Arsenal v Norwich City
Aston Villa v Fulham
Chelsea v Tottenham Hotspur
Everton v Queens Park Rangers
Manchester City v West Bromwich Albion
Newcastle United v Sunderland
Reading v Liverpool
Southampton v West Ham United
Stoke City v Manchester United
Wigan Athletic v Swansea City

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

Fulham v Arsenal
Liverpool v Chelsea
Manchester United v Aston Villa
Norwich City v Reading
Queens Park Rangers v Stoke City
Sunderland v Everton
Swansea City v Southampton
Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester City
West Bromwich Albion v Newcastle United
West Ham United v Wigan Athletic

Saturday, April 27th, 2013

Arsenal v Manchester United
Aston Villa v Sunderland
Chelsea v Swansea City
Everton v Fulham
Manchester City v West Ham United
Newcastle United v Liverpool
Reading v Queens Park Rangers
Southampton v West Bromwich Albion
Stoke City v Norwich City
Wigan Athletic v Tottenham Hotspur

Saturday, May 4th, 2013

Fulham v Reading
Liverpool v Everton
Manchester United v Chelsea
Norwich City v Aston Villa
Queens Park Rangers v Arsenal
Sunderland v Stoke City
Swansea City v Manchester City
Tottenham Hotspur v Southampton
West Bromwich Albion v Wigan Athletic
West Ham United v Newcastle United

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

Arsenal v Wigan Athletic
Aston Villa v Chelsea
Everton v West Ham United
Fulham v Liverpool
Manchester United v Swansea City
Norwich City v West Bromwich Albion
Queens Park Rangers v Newcastle United
Reading v Manchester City
Stoke City v Tottenham Hotspur
Sunderland v Southampton

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

Chelsea v Everton
Liverpool  v Queens Park Rangers
Manchester City v Norwich City
Newcastle United v Arsenal
Southampton v Stoke City
Swansea City v Fulham
Tottenham Hotspur v Sunderland
West Bromwich Albion v Manchester United
West Ham United v Reading
Wigan Athletic v Aston Villa

Friday, August 26, 2011


Sachin, Gambhir nominated for ICC Awards

Dubai, August 26 (IANS) Last year's winner Sachin Tendulkar has been short-listed for the Cricketer of the Year award while his team mate Gautam Gambhir is in the ODI Player of the Year category for the LG International Cricket Council Awards to be held in London September 12.
England batsmen Alastair Cook and Jonathan Trott and Hashim Amla of South Africa are the other short-lists in the Cricketer of the Year category. The votes have been cast by the independent 25-person academy.

Trott and Cook are also short-listed for the Player of the Year award alongside compatriot James Anderson. South Africa's Jacques Kallis and Amla are the other nominations. The awards will be presented in association with the Federation of International Cricketers' Associations (FICA).

The Twenty20 International Performance of the Year sees New Zealand's Tim Southee short-listed alongside England's Tim Bresnan, Australia's Shane Watson and South Africa's JP Duminy.

This year's awards includes 10 individual prizes, including the People's Choice Award and also features a newly designed Spirit of Cricket Award which honours a moment by an international player that has most adhered to the Spirit of Cricket. This award is nominated and voted for by the Elite Panel of ICC match referees and umpires.

The long-lists were made by a five-man selection panel chaired by former West Indies captain and current chairman of the ICC Cricket Committee Clive Lloyd. The panel also includes former captains Zaheer Abbas of Pakistan and England's Mike Gatting and New Zealand's Danny Morrison and South Africa's Paul Adams.

The David Shepherd Trophy for ICC Umpire of the Year award was voted on by the 10 current Test captains and the anel of ICC match referees and is partly based on the umpires' performance statistics.

This year's nominees are 2009 and 2010 Umpire of the Year Aleem Dar (Pakistan) and five-time Umpire of the Year Simon Taufel (Australia), along with Austalia's Steve Davis and Ian Gould of England.

The Emerging Player of the Year short-list features two players from the West Indies - Devendra Bishoo and Darren Bravo - and two from Pakistan - Wahab Riaz and Azhar Ali.

To qualify for that award, a player must be under the age of 26 at the start of the observation period and have played fewer than five Tests and/or 10 ODIs and/or five T20Is at the start of the voting period.

The awards are decided after take into account the performances by players and officials in the period between August 11, 2010 and August 3, 2011,

The awards ceremony is now in its eighth year and this year will be held in London. Previous ceremonies were held in London (2004), Sydney (2005), Mumbai (2006), Johannesburg (2007 and 2009), Dubai (2008) and Bangalore (2010).

Short-lists of nominees:

Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy for ICC Cricketer of the Year: Hashim Amla (SA), Alastair Cook (Eng), Sachin Tendulkar (Ind) and Jonathan Trott (Eng)

ICC Test Player of the Year: James Anderson (Eng), Alastair Cook (Eng), Jacques Kallis (SA) and Jonathan Trott (Eng)

ICC ODI Player of the Yea: Hashim Amla (SA), Gautam Gambhir (Ind), Kumar Sangakkara (SL) and Shane Watson (Aus).

ICC Emerging Player of the Year: Azhar Ali (Pak), Devendra Bishoo (WI), Darren Bravo (WI) and Wahab Riaz (Pak).

ICC Associate and Affiliate Player of the Year: Ryan ten Doeschate (Ned), Hamid Hassan (Afg), Kevin O'Brien (Ire), and Paul Stirling (Ire).

ICC Twenty20 International Performance of the Year: Tim Bresnan (Eng) - 3-10-3-4 v Pakistan, Cardiff, 7 September 2010; JP Duminy (SA) - 96 not out (54b, 10x4, 4x6) v Zimbabwe, Kimberley, 10 October 2010; Tim Southee (NZ) - 4-1-18-5 v Pakistan, Auckland, 26 December 2010; Shane Watson (Aus) - 59 (31b, 6x4, 3x6) v England, Adelaide, 12 January 2011.

ICC Women's Cricketer of the Year: Charlotte Edwards (Eng), Lydia Greenway (Eng) Shelley Nitschke (Aus) and Stafanie Taylor (WI).

David Shepherd Trophy for ICC Umpire of the Year: Aleem Dar (Pak), Steve Davis (Aus), Ian Gould (Eng) and Simon Taufel (Aus).

ICC Spirit of Cricket: MS Dhoni (Ind) - for his recall of Ian Bell during the second Test match between England and India at Trent Bridge, July/August 2011; Jacques Kallis (SA) - for twice during the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 walking after clarifying with the opposition fielder if they had caught the ball cleanly.

LG People's Choice Award: Hashim Amla (SA), MS Dhoni (Ind), Chris Gayle (WI), Kumar Sangakkara (SL) and Jonathan Trott (Eng).

Tendulkar only Indian in ICC Test XI

Sachin Tendulkar was the only Indian named in the International Cricket Council's Test team of the year which has five Englishmen in the playing XI.
India's left-arm pacer has been named as the 12th man.
The team was picked on the basis of performance between August 11 2010 and August 03 2011 and Tendulkar scored 973 runs in that period from 10 matches at an average of 64.86 with three hundreds.
In the same period, Zaheer played seven Test claiming 31 wickets at 22.35 including a best of 5-94.
Alastair Cook, Jonathan Trott, Stuart Broad, Graeme Swann and James Anderson are the England players picked by the panel chaired by former West Indies skipper Clive Lloyd.
South African speedster Dale Steyn has been included in the team for the fourth consecutive year along with teammates Hashim Amlao, AB de Villiers and Jacques Kallis.
Steyn played five matches during the designated period taking 27 wickets at a bowling average of 16.00 against India and Pakistan.
Former Sri Lanka skipper Kumar Sangakkara comes in as the wicket-keeper and captain of the side.

Team: Alastair Cook (Eng), Hashim Amla (SA), Jonathan Trott (Eng), Sachin Tendulkar (Ind), Kumar Sangakkara (SL - wicketkeeper/captain), AB de Villiers (SA), Jacques Kallis (SA), Stuart Broad (Eng)
Graeme Swann (Eng), Dale Steyn (SA), James Anderson (Eng), Zaheer Khan (Ind) (12th man)